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  1. Hello! I switched the "C:\imagepath\stoplightWhite.png" with the "repo:<path...>" to the jasperserver and it works fine now, but i cant execute the report in the Jasperstudio "preview" option now. It gives the "Byte data not found at: repo:<path...>". How can i configure the studio to get the image from the jasperserver?
  2. Hello, I created a report that has a some image components that are presented according to an expression that evaluates a field value and prints the corresponding image as follows: $F{cop_overall_status}== null ? "C:imagepathstoplightWhite.png" : $F{cop_overall_status}<= 10 ? "C:imagepathstoplightGreen.png" : $F{cop_overall_status}<= 20 ? "C:imagepathstoplightYellow.png" : "C:imagepathstoplightRed.png" All the image components are working fine in the studio "preview", but when i export the report to jasperserver some of those images do not get correctly evaluated here is the results from: Studio preview: Jasperserver report execution: I've tryed to re-create the images but everythime i do this the image i re-created gets fixed but another one gets the same bug, where the expression is not correctly evaluated and displays a white diamond... Thank you! :)
  3. Is there any other way that i can configure in my Report or JasperReports Server configurations? Or anything similar to what phantomjs does? Thank you.
  4. Hello, I'm trying to configure my jasperreports to enable the phamtomjs feature that converts the flash charts into an image when exporting to .PDF I followed the methods and guides provided http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-render-flash-chart-pdf and http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v561/configuring-jasperreports-library#Enabling_Flash_or_HTML5 to acheive this, but the result is not as expected. In the PDF i still get an image displaying a box with "Chart type not supported. --- Fusion charts", even though in the browser i can see my chart. So phantomjs does not work for widget pro charts? I'm using the gantt chart, and my JasperReport Server 6.2.1, with phantomjs 2.1.1 (downloaded from the site). Any tips for this issue? Thank you!
  5. I'm trying to create a widged-pro gantt chart that lists project durations by month. So far this is working fine, but now i have to add tasks to the "parent" project, that lists its phases durations (CER, SPP). My Data table (SQL) is as follows: Basically i want to create some kind of grouping so each phase is right bellow the main project duration bar, all in one project row. My process is ID=$F{RANK} and Label = $F{NAME} So far I'm not understanding the logic of the grouping, and I'm not finding any example of this being used. At the moment all records/projects show separate (repeated process), even the ones that belong to the same parent project. And when i put the grouping expression like: $F{ID}.equals($F{Parent_prj), no change occurs. This is what i'm trying to make (see image), as featured in the ireport designer manual: Does anyone accomplished a similar design? or can point me in the right direction, or some kind of example, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time! :)
  6. Hello everyone, I'm implementing a widget pro chart, specificaly a gantt chart, that basically lists all the projects that are running in the company. The data is correct and the charts works as expected, but i cant seem to find a way to dinamicaly resize the chart object according to the number of "projects", for example, now i have 5 projects and the gantt looks fine with w=802px h=183px. But if i have 10 projects the component does not resize, meaning it does not "grow" in its height to fit the new projects witch leads to an unreadable chart. Is it possible to automatically resize the component according to the number of projects i will display, potentially growing to another page of the report? What steps, classes, etc do i need to implement to get this to work properly? There is no customizer class option for this component. Is this possible at all? Thank you for the help :) Tiago Ab.
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