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Everything posted by atthi.ramudu

  1. I have a date column(timestamp is the data type in Database) in my report and I have set the width as 50. Is it causing the issue. Regards Ram A
  2. HI, I am designed jasper report using jrxml file for CSV and I am able to see data alignment properly in Ireport tool but when I executed/generated the report as part of a application (Java/j2EE), the column data is preshifting in some rows. like 5th column data to 4th column, 4th column data to 3rd column,etc... Does anyone has faced the similar issue. I have set pagewidth and pageheight values 5000,150 and columnwidth 5000. isStretchWithOverflow="true",stretchType="relativeToTallestObject". Is it causing by the data which is having null values or special characters? I am fetching the data from JDBC for the report generation. Can you assist me to resolve it. Thank you. Regards ram A
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