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Everything posted by mana135

  1. No I have not logged a case. I'm not sure how to do that.
  2. In our current application, we're using the highcharts library and an angular directive to display a line chart in one section. I am now adding JasperServer as a reporting solution and attempting to use VisualizeJS in a separate section. The library loads fine when I include the scripts in such an order like, <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.src.js"></script>[/code]<script src="/bower_components/highcharts-ng/dist/highcharts-ng.min.js"></script>[/code]<script src="http://<jasperserver-ip>/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js"></script>[/code]<script src="/js/application.js"></script>[/code] When I navigate to the area I'm attempting to embed a JS report, calling visualize like, visualize(function (v) { var report = v.report({ resource: "/organizations/organization_1/reports/Run_Event_Report", container: "#container", params: { "site_name" : [ "Site1" ] }, events: { reportCompleted: function(status) { console.log(status); } } });}, function(err) { console.log(err);});[/code]results in Highcharts throwing an error "Uncaught Error: Highcharts error #16: www.highcharts.com/errors/16" which is likley because the Highcharts library is being loaded twice. It seems that VisualizeJS isn't serving up the Highcharts library to the client so I need to keep Highcharts and the directive scripts in the HEAD. I also tried changing the order so VisualizeJS is loaded first, but that doesn't make any difference. What should I do?
  3. ghudson_1 Thank you for your help! I was finally able to figure out a proper patten here. When I created my report to upload earlier I did not populate any fields beforehand. Once I figured out how to do that, I was able to properly create an Ad Hoc view using the Topic and now can finally use VisualizeJS to embed a report using any type of parameter that I want. I will probably also use User attributes as well since the end-users of our application will be of a variety of types. Thanks again!
  4. When trying to create a Domain through JasperServer, I'm attempting to create a Derived Table that will need to be filtered by at least one parameter that will need to be passed in. I can do this in Japsersoft Studio by creating a parameter that can be referenced in the SQL query used to generate a report, but it is unclear how I would achieve when creating a Domain. When I published the report to the server, the attribute I defined in the report was created as an Input Control. I see that you can create Input Controls in the server, but it's unclear how I would access any provided input in the derived table SQL. Simply put, I'm trying to created a Derived Table like, SELECT s.sitename, c.customername FROM Sites s INNER JOIN Customers c on c.customerid = s.customerid WHERE s.customerid = {some_passed_in_parameter}[/code]I see that you can access User and Server level attributes that you can define, but this would be something I would simply pass in from an outside application through Visualize.js. It's unclear if these attributes you can define are dynamic, meaning their values are set when an Ad-Hoc view is queried. Lastly, before anyone says "just create what you need in a report inside the Studio", unfortunately I've had very little success creating the crosstabs and charts I want. I've had a lot more success generating these in an Ad-Hoc View, but I don't want to have to duplicate this for every site and customer in our database. One of the tables I'm using is billions of rows long so filtering anything after the SQL is executed is not going to be an option.
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