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Everything posted by mramireddy

  1. I have 3 rows already in table below way. (Table Header) col1 col2 col3 Decision Dt: Field1 (column Header) col1 col2 col3 Decision CD1: Field2 (Detail) col1 col2 col3 Decision CD2: Field3 How to add the 4th in Detail band below foramt? (Detail) Rationale: Field4 Please suggest us how to disply 4th row in table component in Jasper Reports. Thanks, Rami
  2. Table field is not stretching with overflow if it has multiple line data in database.. I have set the properties below way. stretchWithOverflow=true; positionType="Float" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" Still it is displying only 1 line data in report. Please suggest us how to disply mutliple line data in table field of Jasper Reports. Thanks, Rami
  3. Please suggest us a tool for reviewing code of Jasper Reports. We expect the tool to demonstrate the changes in UI as well as in the query. Also please share the code or UI changes guidelines/standards/best practices if possible. Thanks, Rami
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