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Everything posted by mmm.shz87

  1. Thanks for your response. I have solved this problem. I think The best way for this problem is that fact that I should place my Text Field in the Title band. Besides, I should change all borders of subreport to 0.
  2. Hi all, I have a function in my PL/SQL package of Oracle database that has a parameter as out parameter and with "SYS_REFCURSOR" type. Indeed, the result of the query is saved in the out parameter. Now, I do not know how to call function in jasper and use the result of it wich can access as out parameter with type of "SYS_REFCURSOR". Could you please help me to solve this problem? The declaration of function is FUNCTION Function_Name(O_CURSOR OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) RETURN Return_Type; Also I use Jaspersoft Studio 6.3.1. Thanks a lot for your time in advance.
  3. I have a master report and a subreport. Also, subreport add some information to the Page Header band of master report. Indeed, due to the fact that it is impossible to aggregate all needed data into single query, I had to use a subreport. At present, I faced with a problem in representing subreport in the master report. As a matter of fact, when master report generate, subreport stretches and expands height of Page Header band of master report. I configure page format property of subreport to delete all margins and customize width and height of subreport. Besides, I configure size of subreport in the master report, but subreport stretch again and change appearance ordering of the page. Could you please recommend a way to overcome this problem? Furthermore, I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.3
  4. Dear users, I am a begginer in developing reports using Jasper Report. At present, I faced with a problem that I can not solve it. As a matter of fact, I have a main report and a subreport. Furthermore, I want filling a text field in the main report using calculated value of subreport. now, I want to pass a parameter from main report to the subreport and do a query in subreport based on passed parameter. When I pass fields(not parameter) from main report to the subreport, the query of subreport is done corectly and the text field are filled with corect value. While, when I pass parameter(not field) from main report, query of subreport is not done corectly and the text field of main report remain blank. Also, I have read and tested approaches that mentioned in the Jaspersoft Community, but i can not solve it. Could you please help me to solve this problem in passing parameters from main report to the subreort? I thanks for your consideration in advance.
  5. I also have the same problem in installing Jaspersoft Studio plugin for Eclipse. Besides, I have tested Mars and Neon versions of Eclipse in win7- X64 using Java 8-X64, but the error appear allways and plugin can not install. Could you please help me to sovle this problem?
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