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  1. Hi all, I have a scenario in which the page break has to be implemented based on the number of lines in a page. More clearly, My header in a page has 8 lines which is not going to change. But out of the 4 detail sections in my design, the max no. of lines per record that can be printed is 6. one of the detail section will print based on a condition, So the possibilites are each record can have either 4, 5 or 6 lines. My condition is "before printing a new record, if the no. of lines in a page is greater than 53, then that record should start on a new page". challenge is i wouldn't know the number of lines in the page until the output is generated. so which expression can be used to calculate the no. of lines in a page dynamically? Thanks in advance!!
  2. Is it possible to acheive through scriplets? If yes, can someone share the idea?
  3. I'm exporting to text formats. Is there a way to eliminate the unnecessary blank space displayed in between the pages?
  4. Thank You reportdev. I already have groups and have checked the Start New Page option. And it is starting on a new page. No issues there. Each page in the report has 56 lines according to the page height given. When there are records to be displayed for all the 56 lines, it's fine. But when there are only 24 lines of records to be displayed, the page has empty space of remaining 32 lines. That's not the requirement. Is there any way of avoiding the empty space?
  5. hi guys... I would really appreciate if someone could help me get through the situation. I've developed a report with three subreports and exporting in text format. The maximum no. of lines that is permissable is 56 lines, so the page height has been set to 1200. But the requirement is if the details displayed ends at the nth line(for eg: 10 lines), then the page should break after the 10th line and start the next page(maximum the page should display 56 lines of contents). If anyone had faced the same situation and found the solution, please let me know. thanks in advance!!
  6. hi guys, i'm currently using TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio Professional-6.2.0 which throws a warning message each time i open it that the license has expired. so i want to know what should be done to upgrade the software. please find the screenshot below. thanks
  7. hi everyone, i've certain fields to be printed in the page header band. but in the preview, not only the page header is getting displayed at the beginning of a page but also the end of that page. so what should be done to eliminate this issue?? I'd really appreciate if someone can provide some solutions. thanks guys.
  8. JSON file for example: { "financialInstitutionId" : "101", "processorId" : "201", "runDate" : "10/13/2018", "settlementDate" : "20/20/2020", "reportName" : "InterchangeIncomeExpense", "BillingDescriptionList" : [ { "billingDescriptionName" : "Cirrus Interchange Fee Type", "TransactionType" : [ { "Name": "Acquirer Fee", "acceptedCount": "2", "acceptedAmount": "2", "rejectedCount": "2", "rejectedAmount": "2", "reversedCount": "2", "reversedAmount": "2", "totalCount": "2", "totalAmount": "2" }, { "Name": "Acquirer Fee", "acceptedCount": "2", "acceptedAmount": "2", "rejectedCount": "2", "rejectedAmount": "2", "reversedCount": "2", "reversedAmount": "2", "totalCount": "2", "totalAmount": "2" } ], "BillingDescriptionTotal" : { "acceptedCount": "4", "acceptedAmount": "4", "rejectedCount": "4", "rejectedAmount": "4", "reversedCount": "4", "reversedAmount": "4", "totalCount": "16", "totalAmount": "16" } }, { "billingDescriptionName" : "Pulse At T-BillPay", "TransactionType" : [ { "Name": "Acquirer Fee", "acceptedCount": "2", "acceptedAmount": "2", "rejectedCount": "2", "rejectedAmount": "2", "reversedCount": "2", "reversedAmount": "2", "totalCount": "2", "totalAmount": "2" }, { "Name": "Acquirer Fee", "acceptedCount": "2", "acceptedAmount": "2", "rejectedCount": "2", "rejectedAmount": "2", "reversedCount": "2", "reversedAmount": "2", "totalCount": "2", "totalAmount": "2" } ], "BillingDescriptionTotal" : { "acceptedCount": "4", "acceptedAmount": "4", "rejectedCount": "4", "rejectedAmount": "4", "reversedCount": "4", "reversedAmount": "4", "totalCount": "4", "totalAmount": "4" } } ] }
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