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Everything posted by sampath516

  1. Hi All, I am able to find the resources in a specified folder using resourcesSearch function but not able to display the file resources found. Please tell me how to display the found resources using visualize.js Thanks, Sampathi G
  2. Hi Experts, We have a scenario where we have to initiate an asynchronous running of a report in one UI page and later (any time once it is completed, probably after few days), when it is completed, we need to render that report in other page. I am not able to create the visual.js report instance for the above completed report instance so that I can render it. Please tell me how to do this. Can we render a completed report instance later using visual.js with out running it again? Is there a way to create visualize.js report instance for completed report instance to render it with out running it? Thanks, Sampathi G
  3. Hi All, Any one of you, please answer my question. Thanks, Sampathi G
  4. Hi Experts, Can we achieve the following scenario : Customer will schedule a report using resr2/jobs REST service and place the completed report instances (can be in any format like pdf, html etc) at a specific folder on jasper reports server.Later he will render the above report instance using Visualize.jsSo the question is : can we render a scheduled report instance via visualize.js. Thanks, Sampathi G
  5. Hi Experts, We are using Visualize.js to embed the Jasper Reports into our application. As per our understnding, in all the given samples, Report running and rendering is happening as a single task. We wanted to implement the following scenario using Visualize.js: Creating a report instance alone (No running and rendering)Sending a request to JasperReports Server to run the above report asynchronously. We have very lengthy reports which can take more time to complete running.Displaying all the reports with thier corresponding state (Running, Queued and Completed)Rendering the completed report in visualize.js. All the above four steps should be separate tasks. As per our understanding, we can imlement the above scenario using the REST API approach. But we wanted to do it jusing Visualize.js. Plese let us know is it possible to implement the above scenario using Visualize.js. If possible, please provide some references or code samples to implement the same. Thanks, Sampathi G
  6. Hi Experts, I wanted to integrate my web application (which is Cloud enabled) with Jasper Reports to provide reporting capabilites. After doing some research on Community, I understood that we can get reporting capabitlites by using only JasperReports Library alone (which is a simple jar that needs to be placed in the application CLASSPATH along with its dependencies) or JasperReports Server (which is built on top of Library). I also understood that JasperReports Server will provide additional features such as Central Reports repository, Reports Scheduling, Ad-Hoc reporting, Dash Boards etc. Now I need to take a decision on which component (only Library or Server) I need to choose for integration. Need following calrifications to tkae the decision. Please clarify them: 1. The comprehensive list of additonal features provided Server in additon to features provided by Library. 2. What are the best practices in choosing one of these components (Library and Server) w.r.t Features, Maintainability, Scalability, Upgrade etc. Thanks, Sampath G
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