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Everything posted by jzhang6

  1. The related libraray used in my environment: Jaspersoft : jasperreports-6.3.0.jar jasperreports-fonts-6.1.1.jar javaSE-1.6 Java application: jasperreports-4.7.0.jar jasperreports-fonts-6.1.1.jar javaSE-1.6 As my java application must run under Java1.6, I include jasperreports-4.7.0.jar in my java application. The bold, itlatic, font are working well with the exception with font size. Any advise? Thanks.
  2. The font size setting for static text is fine in JasperSoft, it looks good. However, the font size setting in .jasper doesn't work in Java code . Any advise. Thanks.
  3. I fix it, I entered the package + class name in Factory class field but my jar file doesn't include the package path. Thx.
  4. Note: I have added the jar file which contains the class file into jar path..
  5. I want to use Javabeans set as data source in Jaspersoft. When I test the data source, it failed as the class is not found. Under the tab of Repository Explorer, how can I set the class path? Thanks.
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