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Everything posted by t.mehner

  1. I have a map, which may contains a lot of dynamically placed marker. I would like to cluster these markers, but unfortunately i have no idea how. Something like this: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/marker-clustering would be great. Zooming in should refine the marker. Any help is much appreciated.
  2. I am trying to create a Domain via Rest. Under Rest v1 it is said, that one hase to create a multipartrequest to solve this problem. Well, i am not perfectly sure how to do this. I am so far: http://ata:80/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/organizations/MyDomains?createFolders=false&q=MyDomain&type=semanticLayerDataSource But how can i add the schema.xml? My sourcedescription is the following: { "schema": { "schemaFile": { "type": "xml", "label": "MyDomain_schema" } }, "dataSource": { "dataSourceReference": { "uri": "/organizations/MyDataSources/jdbsDataSource" } }, "label": "MyDomain"}. How can i construct a falid multipartrequest? An example would be the best. Thank you
  3. I want to create a domain using the PHP Rest Client. I created a semanticLayerDatasource. I want to create the schema of this domain in $domname_files. The object semanticLayer.... needs a schema, but the documentation lacks in this point. So any idea or at best an example how to create a domain via the php client would be much appreciated. I tried to create a xml file locally and set schema to the uri of this source. This way i am able to create a domain, but if i try to create an adhoc view, i get a null exception. Thank you.
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