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  1. I follow the directions located here to install the webserivce datasource for JasperReports Studio. After completing all 5 steps for the installation I start up JSS and when trying to create a new data adapter there is no option for web services as demonstrated in the video here. I followed all the steps, why isn't it working? I am running JSS v 6.2.2 final.
  2. Changing the evaluation time to "Auto" seems to have done the trick.
  3. I have a report that describes passengers getting on and off a bus for a given day. At the end of each group (day, bus) I calculate the total cost of operating the bus. By dividing that cost between the passengers I know how much each passenger owes and would like to print that amount in the corresponding row for each customer, but only for customers that don't have a bus subscription (they don't owe anything). If I set the evaluation time of the "Charges Due" column to "none", then the amounts are printed or not printed correctly based on the customers subscription status, but the calculations for the amount owed are incorrect because the report hasn't looked at all the customers yet for that group. If I set the evaluation time of the column to "Group (day, bus)" then the amount due is calculated correctly, but that amount is printed or not printed for all customers based on the subscription status of the last customer in the group. How can I mix evaluation times so that I can have the correct calculation and display it properly with data from each row?
  4. I'm trying to build a custom visualization component that uses d3 and nv.d3 (a chart library build on top of d3). Below is my build.js file: ({ baseUrl: '', paths: {'d3': 'd3.min','nvd3': 'nv.d3.min','SpectrumBarChart': 'SpectrumBarChart' }, name: "SpectrumBarChart", out: "SpectrumBarChart.min.js"})Insice my CVC's js file we have this format taken from the Wiki: define(['d3'], function (d3) { return function (instanceData) { //code goes here }; }); I need to pull in the nv.ds object so I can utilize the library but I'm not sure how to go about it. I think I understand how to express teh dependencies but how can I pull extra arguments into the function:? This doesn't work: define(['d3', 'nvd3'], function (d3, nvd3) { return function (instanceData) { d3.doStuff(); nvd3.doStuff(); //code goes here }; });
  5. In the summary seciton of my report, I am showing several bar charts that display different attributes of my data set. I would like to sort ascending the bars on each of these graphs so that trends are clearer. How can I do this without hitting the database 3 times with a different "ORDER BY" statement in the SQL? That is inefficient and stupid. I am working in JasperSoft Studio 6.2.2.
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