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Everything posted by ib8718

  1. Hi, I have used Table object in my report in detail band and inside the table there are 3/4 rows. But there allways remains a lot of space for each row inside the table. Although I have used isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" Expected format:- ABCD123XYZ258Current format:- ABCD123XYZ258 Please suggest.
  2. Hi, I have created a Jasper Report through iReport. Page Height is 844 and this has to be fixed.There is detail band, Page Footer & Last Page footer. Problem is that when in the report output there are more than 1 page then last page footer band is displaying perfectly. But for the report where there is only 1 page, then detail band is getting overlapped with Last Page footer band. In case the page height is more than 844 then the issue gets resolved but anyhow the page height can't be changed. Can you please help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, In one of my report the space between detail lines are not distributed equally. If there is no extra space between 1st line and 2nd line but there is much more space between 2nd line and 3rd line. Not sure why because I have kept detail band height as 13 and text fields' height inside the detail band as 12. Can you please help how to solve the space issue. Please refer to the below example:- 123 abcd 586 ajhd 125 ncjd 456 nchd 148 jshd 258 mxnd 258 ncjd 548 mckck 256 cbnc 586 nsjs 147 ncjd 854 nslao
  4. Hi, In one of my report I'm using bigdecimal values with negetive sign where negetive sign(-) will be at last position. It's working fine. But at the report output decimal seperators are bit left for the negetive values than positive values, since I am using right aligned EX:- 120.00 120.00- Can you please help me how to place decimal seperator in line for both positive & negetive values.
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