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Everything posted by sudama.patidar_1

  1. I want to set some additonal parameter only when exporting the report. How can i achieve this using visualize.js.
  2. I am displaying each group's data on different page in table . But if there is more data then it breaks the page for the same group. i want group wise whole data on single page then next page will contain another group data and so on. In short there should be pagination with large data on each page. Please help.
  3. I am not able to enable/disable next and previous pagination buttons. it works fine for first time but when i refine report again then it doesnt work as expected. Below is code ; Visualize js Code : reportCompleted: function (status) { if(report.data().totalPages > 1){ $('#nextPage').removeClass('not-active'); }else{ $('#nextPage').addClass('not-active'); } if(report.pages() == 1){ $('#prevPage').addClass('not-active'); }else{ $('#prevPage').removeClass('not-active'); } if(report.pages() == report.data().totalPages){ $('#nextPage').addClass('not-active'); } } Pagination Code : $("#prevPage").click(function () { var currentPage = report.pages() || 1; report.pages(--currentPage).run() .fail(function (err) { }); }); $("#nextPage").click(function () { var currentPage = report.pages() || 1; report.pages(++currentPage).run() .fail(function (err) { }); })
  4. when i run report more than one and then click on export then it opens export window many time. It is saving previous result somewhere and then exporting report on the basis of that result and current result.
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