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  1. Thanks for asking this question. I think I was able to accomplish a proof of concept by following the steps in the link you referenced https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/splitting-excel-output-multiple-tabs. The key for me was to not have a Title Band in the report nor a Column Header Band. I just moved all of those fields into the Group Header. That way on each sheet the freezing of the top 3 or 4 rows for me applied to each sheet. Then in the link it says to add <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" value="true" /> to the "first <reportelement> contained in the group header", not on the group header itself. Furthermore, after reading https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/excel-export-dynamically-set-sheet-names , I was able to dynamically set the name of the sheet by adding <propertyExpression name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.name"> <![CDATA[$F{FieldName}]]></propertyExpression> On that same first element in the group. Hope this helps someone else.
  2. In my case, I needed to display timestamps based on locale. Adding onto qianyd's answer above, I selected the element that needed formatting, went to properties, searched for the "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern" property and used a Pattern Expression for that property with this value $P{REPORT_LOCALE}.equals(Locale.forLanguageTag("en-gb")) ? "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" : $P{REPORT_LOCALE}.equals(Locale.forLanguageTag("fr-ca")) ? "yy-MM-dd HH:mm" : "M/d/yy h:mm AM/PM"[/code]
  3. I found this answer on Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/a/69773797/3761102 To restate it here In your Field Expression use NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance($P{REPORT_LOCALE}).format($F{currency_value}).
  4. I've upgraded to Jaspersoft Studio 6.4.3 on my computer. It at least runs and I can edit reports. But I've noticed there are paint/redraw issues on the "Design" tab of the report itself where fields are outlined or changes I make are reflected. But, I can work with that in the short term.
  5. When I launch Jasper Studio 6.3.1 on Big Sur OS, It comes up but then its just frozen and I can't click on anything. I can quit the application but I can't click on the menu bar or anything. I've seen some Stack Overflow articles about Eclipse in general Not able to run Eclipse on macOS Big Sur - Stack Overflow and I tried updating the Info.plist without any success in this case. I know one option would be to try just upgrading my Jasperstudio client a later/most recent version, I just was trying to kick that can down the road a little longer until I was ready to upgrade the Jasper Server as well. Has anyone else had this problem and/or fixed it?
  6. One way to do this I found is if I double click on the main_jrxml for each report so that a copy of it is created in my workspace. Then I can use the Eclipse search all feature to search all files in my workspace for all instances of some text using ctrl + H. It was just kind of a pain to get a copy of each report in my workspace. It would be nice if I could just identify what I wanted without having to do this step.
  7. I would like to search all report units on a Jaspsersoft Server to identify all reports that use a specific table. In more generic terms, I would like to search all report units for all instances of some text. How do I do that in Jaspersoft Studio?
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