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  1. Hi, hozawa indicates taht it's not possible in 5.1, does that imply that a higher version can? If so, from which version is that possible? I know scheduled jobs is a 'fix' but that's not the expected result.
  2. Hi, hozawa indicates taht it's not possible in 5.1, does that imply that a higher version can? If so, from which version is that possible? I know scheduled jobs is a 'fix' but that's not the expected result.
  3. Hello, I have noticed the following quite often, and searched for a solution, but never I came across one. We are running jasperserver community 5.1.0. When a report is executed with its parameters in the gui, the results are shown on the right, paginated in the nice web view. Now when we want to download the outcome to xlsx for example, the query is executed again, with big reports this takes long. I can find myself that for near-realtime reports this is desired, but for us this is not a desired behaviour. I have googled and searched on this forum, but sadly without luck. Is there any way to disable the secondary query execution when downloading the generated output in the jasper server gui? If my question is not clear, or you would need more information, please let me know. Thanks in advance, Daryl
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