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Everything posted by v.hillsdon-jones

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to create a report which outputs text onto headed paper (with images) for a customer to use as a delivery note, however they need a visual of the item included in the report. They have a location on a company server which already has a low res PDF available so we'd like to use those rather than have the operator save each file twice (as a low res PDF for internal use and a PNG for the delivery note) so can we; insert the low res PDF as it is into the jasper report (with the other text and images) convert the PDF in jasper to a suitable image format find a program which can automate the convertion of the PDF when it's saved to that location (they have a droplet which saves a low res PDF of the supplied high res automatically when it's moved to that location, but it doesn't like image formats). Thanks in advance, Jasper novice :)
  2. Hi there, Can you set the output properties when reporting to excel, as in setting sheets/tabs to protected or work books to read only? Thanks, Ness
  3. Hi there, I've not posted in the forum before, but I do often refer here for viewing answers (thank you) and I'm clearly not as clued up about Jasper as most of the contributors but I have a question relating to a specifc type of report if that's okay. My customer basically wants to replicate an excel spreadsheet with this report into PDF, to avoid the usual pitfalls of the more editable format, however our version appears to be fixed width and height cells and therefore either wraps or truncates the data, in some areas it's not fit for purpose as it's too small and/or details are missing. I've tried out putting to excel and the data is also truncated or wrapped here so that offers me no plan B. Is there anything that can be done to make the cells more flexible in PDF or pass all the information through to excel so at least the user can amend the cell format? Thanks in advance, Ness
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