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Everything posted by jasper160504

  1. Thanks a lot, it works <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.width" value="1"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.height" value="0"/> print all columns data in one page and many pages (depending of the number of rows). Best regards Michael
  2. I am using jasperreports 5.6.1, and exporting data into excel file using jasper reports. Excel file has about 25 columns and many rows. When I print Excel, I am able to see only few columns on a page and the remaining columns in next page. Just wondering to know, how can I scale the page automatically to print all columns data in one page? That means, all columns on one page (landscape-mode) and many pages for all the rows. We can do this manually by the following steps: In Excel file menu: File -> page setup-> page tab -> scaling section --> Print all columns at 1 page. Is it possible to set this in jasper reports? Thanks a lot!
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