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Everything posted by dlemp

  1. I'm working on a PO form. There needs to be three copies of this form in the PDF, with two fields changing depending on if it's the last page of the copy or not. I have a crossjoin with copy text and sequence numbers, and in Jaspersoft I am grouping based on that sequence number. Is there any way to determine (in Jaspersoft Studio 6.10) if the page is the last page of the group? PS. I tried using group footers, but cannot get that aligned correctly, plus I'm already using the page footer, so I don't think that will work for what we need. If I could REPLACE the page footer when there's a group footer, then that may work. Thanks!
  2. This issue is somewhat resolved. I believe that because I deleted the "defaultInternalRoles" value out of the .xml config, it was giving all new users a NULL role, along with whatever other role I assigned manually. If I can't find a CAS/LDAP role .xml, I'll have to set the default role to "ROLE_ANONYMOUS" and manually add in all my users under the adminUsernames, and just give them the role of ROLE_USER.
  3. I'm really thinking that the sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-CAS-LDAP-mt.xml file was never ported to version 6. Can anyone prove me wrong?
  4. Basically I deleted the account out of the JasperReports Server GUI, but I cannot create a new account now with the same name. It states that there is already account with that name. Any tips?
  5. Sorry if I wasn't crystal clear, this is all very new to me. I did log in as jasperadmin and delete the user through there. It seems like the user is stored somewhere else as well though.
  6. Thank you for the response. I downloaded and checked a few different versions, but still cannot find this file anywhere! Here are the only sample files that I ccan find: sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-CAS-db-staticRoles.xml sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-db.xml sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-sso.xmlsample-applicationContext-externalAuth-CAS-staticRoles.xml sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-template.xmlsample-applicationContext-externalAuth-CAS.xml sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth.xml Would anyone happen to know of a version that would actually have this file (that is compatitble with 6.2.0 of course). I'm starting to think it was never included in version 6. Thanks for any insight!
  7. Reading through the documentation, I believe I should be using the sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-CAS-LDAP-mt.xml file. Using JasperServer 6.2.0, however, I don't see that in the sample files. Was this files named something different in this version possibly? Or would it be compatible if I grabbed it out of a previous version? Thanks for any help!
  8. Sorry if I wasn't crystal clear, this is all very new to me. I did log in as jasperadmin and delete the user through there. It seems like the user is stored somewhere else as well though.
  9. I've been testing out the users and roles within Jaspersoft and how it works with CAS. Here's what I did: Logged in with my username via CAS. Logged out and deleted that user. Created a user with my CAS username within Jaspersoft and gave it the ROLE_USER role. That didn't work as expected, so I deleted that user. Attempted to log back in via CAS. Now I get the following errors: Within Jaspersoft Server: Error Message GrantedAuthority required. In the catalina.out logs: 2016-04-20 15:45:04,291 ERROR ExternalDataSynchronizerImpl,ajp-nio-8009-exec-8:99 - Error during synchronizationcom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: Internally defined user dlemp already exists. Please contact an admin user to resolve the issue. Click <a href="casserver/logout">logout</a> to exit from external system. 2016-04-20 15:45:04,294 ERROR SystemErrorController,ajp-nio-8009-exec-8:86 - Internal server errororg.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationServiceException: Error during synchronizationCaused by: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: Internally defined user dlemp already exists. Please contact an admin user to resolve the issue. Click <a href="hcasserver/logout">logout</a> to exit from external system. Anybody have any ideas/tips how to get my CAS account to where it will work again? I'm guessing the internal username is still floating around somewhere in the system and it needs to be deleted, but I'm not sure where that would be. Also, when I add a role now, it lists the role, but puts a , before it, so " ,ROLE_USER" Thanks for any help!
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