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  1. I have a Report that I created in Jaspersoft Studio that has a parameter as part of the main dataset query: select *from subjects as sjoin juror_subjects as js on js.resources_id = s.resources_idjoin resources as r on r.id = s.resources_idjoin matters as m on m.id = r.matters_idwhere r.id = $P{subjects_id}[/code]when I preview this in Jaspersoft Studio, it prompts for the subjects_id, and once I enter it, the report runs successfully. Also, when I run it on JasperServer, it prompts for the subjects_id, and once I enter it, the report runs correctly. However, when I request it from our API (which is the ultimate implementation we are aiming for), it returns a blank page. API code: public function main(){ $inputControls = array( 'subjects_id' => 95488 ); $report = $this->c->reportService()->runReport('/reports/JurorReport', 'pdf', null, null, $inputControls); header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); echo $report; die;}[/code]This API code is just for test purposes right now. Can anyone help me understand why I am unable to request reports with $P parameters in the dataset query? I have confirmed that if I remove the parameters, the report runs correctly. I appreciate any help you can offer.
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