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  1. Hi! On the sql management studio I execute this query using the table transactions and till. select till.code,t.trans_datefrom TCPOS4.dbo.transactions as t, TCPOS4.dbo.tills as tillwhere t.trans_date = (select max(t2.trans_date) from TCPOS4.dbo.transactions as t2 where t2.till_id=t.till_id ) and t.till_id=till.id order by trans_date desc; The result are two columns. I just want to insert this query and inser the result on another table.
  2. Hi. I want to have the same report for different users but with 2 different parametres in the query depending on the user loged on. To make it more clear, the different parametres from the query are the client and the date. Using this I want to show all the transactions this client did on the specified date. Thing is that I have 1000 clients and I can't make a different report for each user. We should have the same report for everyone with the parameters changing depending on the client logged in.
  3. Hi, I have a report.jrxml where I have a bar char. I would like that the "series" from this chart could be connected to another report. This is my bar chart and I want that when you click on "Hoy" you could be redirected to another report. I can see that on "Chart Data Configuration" you can Hyperlink the series, "Hoy,Ayer and +dias" on this case. But I am not sure of what to put in there.
  4. Hi, I am updating a table with the elements I show you below: I am updating 4 those rows with my job: As you can see, I have an infinite loop which is updating all the time the rows I showed you before. I am doing this fine with mysqlserverinput connection, using the option : "update". MY PROBLEM is that I am updating all the time, even when I have no values. What I want to do is doing a condition that just updates a row when I have some values in there. For example, If I have id_machine=123 I want it to remains "123" until I have some value to add, not when I have "blank or null".
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