Hello hozawa, thank you for your hint. I tried it with my own extension and had a little progress in troubleshooting! But i am still struggling. Now i did following: 1. I followed the instructions of http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-font-font-extension and used that font. 2. Replaced all occourences of fontName="*" in my "report.jrxml" with fontName="MyFontExtension" and compiled a new report.jasper file 3. Added the new jasper-file to my eclipse Project and hit run. And got an error wich i was expecting. So far so good. He looks for my font extension! Exception in thread "main" net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRFontNotFoundException: Font "MyFontExtension" is not available to the JVM. See the Javadoc for more details.at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.FontUtil.checkAwtFont(FontUtil.java:652)... 4. Added the MyFonExtension.jar exported with Jaspersoft Studio to my eclipse project as external library and hit run again.And it works on windows the pdf-file has the correct font! 5. Exported the project to runnable Jar and got 2 warnings. And i think this is the problem... but still not got the trick. On Unix he now trys to find a font twice and fails. No exception but the pdf remains empty. The locations of the jasperreports_extension.properties are: MyFontExtension.jarjasperreports-6.3.1.jar Any idea? THANKS!