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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. Hi Pruthvi. I know the method, it must work for 6.2.0, and not checked for 6.0.1. (Be ready for making revert) You should export Current theme, and make updates for Colors or Styles in templates. Then you import the Theme back, and new colorsstyles will appear. Step1. Export Themes and unzip archive export.zip. Step 2. Find the files *.jrxml.data and update styles as you like. Move files back to archive export.zip. Step 3. Import export.zip and check how it looks now. Picture for step 2:
  2. There's no possibility to lock user account internally in Jasperserver. But you can use External Authentication for resolving your case. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=29346 TIBCO JasperReports Server Authentication Cookbook And you can lock users when they expire their passwords: TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide 4.2.2 Enabling Password Expiration If you trying to protect against expernal Brute-Force attacks, you should use another metods. IP Filters on network level, VPN access etc.
  3. There is ability to supress the footer on last page. >>as i enable reset page number. Jaspersoft adds a blank page Please check the event of creating the page number. If you upload the Report and provide the link, I could help more specifically.
  4. Hi Aruta. The ability to See/Modify/Run any report managed according to Repository permission (per user and per Role). >>scheduled reports Do you mean reports, scheduled by other users? Administrator of Jasper Report Server can create special Role (by example SHEDULE_ADMIN) and provide him all permissions and privileges. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=29346 TIBCO JasperReports Server Administration Guide Chapter 3. Please read the documentation and ask extra questions if required.
  5. Hi. Postgress JDBC driver was tested for many installation, and must be fine. First, check the template for Postgres database. the file postgresql_master.properties must be copied and renamed to default_master.properties I believe you missed something during installation process. Please take a look at the document below (according to the version of yours JRS). http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=29346 TIBCO JasperReports Server Installation Guide Chapter 3 for manual installation - JBOSS etc. Please take a look at Log files carefully - if the connection to Posgtres database is wrong, you'll observe error message. In other case you observe the message 'Connection is OK'
  6. Hi. >>trying to use a web service in Jaspersoft that needs a call to its Login function first. Jasperserver works with SSO auth, and other authentication methods. Please read the docs: TIBCO JasperReports Server Authentication Cookbook TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide
  7. Do you use iReport 5.6.0? That's easy to implement in JR Studio (5.6 still available), then publish the report into Reporsitory. it available for Windows OS. Users can run our reports from Repository, and run it from anywhere. The easiest way - 3 subreports, and SQL query is the same. Please specify the environment where you run reports. Linux or Windows?
  8. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-install-guide/v56/setting-jasperreports-server-license And the parameter -Djs.license.directory must be set. You can override it as parameter of JVM : JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djs.license.directory Please specify your Web application. Tomcat 7?
  9. "The following MDX query is invalid: ERROR: There is no upper function (smallint) Hint: No function matches the name and types of arguments may need to add explicit type conversion Position:.. 114" Please publish the SQL query you running
  10. If you set permission 'execute only' for other users, they could use direct links , but cannot read or edit the report. Screenshot from JRS display it.
  11. Hi Sandeep. >>the removed hyperlink are still clickable Maybe you imported old version. Could you publish your report, or provide the link to download it?
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