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Everything posted by valeria_g

  1. I get this message : Error filling report net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at : MyDirectory/Subreport1.jasper I deploy the report ant its subreport with the "publish" button in Jasper Studio. I don't think it's a subreport path issue because with only one instance of it, it's ok. It's only when I put 2 or more instances of the subreport in the main report that the server crashes...
  2. Hi, I have an issue when trying to execute a report which is using a subreport twice but with different parameters. For exemple, I have a main report which is displaying technical specifications for different catégories. Main report : - Subreport 1 ( parameter : 'Printer') - Subreport ( parameter : 'Screen') It's working when executing it in the Studio but when I publish it on the server and try to execute it, I get an error : "An error occured, please contact your administrator". Does anybody know how to solve this ?? Thanks!
  3. Hi, I'm using the "Web Service Data Source" data adaptor to get data from a REST web service to return me JSON response. The web service returns me several informations about IT products. My issue is that the structure of the JSON can be different, depending of product's category. For exemple, for the node "technical_specifications" , fields are different between a screen, computer, etc. How can I get all the technical_specifications fields ? When I select "Add node as a filed", the report doesn't return anything. Thanks a lot for your help! Valeria
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