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Posts posted by jflelouarne

  1. What I notice is that, if I have a PL/SQL package named 'MyPackage' and, inside this package, a function named 'MyFunc', the following query works well with JDBC connector, but failed with JNDI :

    select MyPackage.MyFunc(whatNeedToBeHere) as test from dual

  2. Hello, 

    I'm trying to use JNDI connection to an Oracle database.

    The connection esthablishes well, and the queries, when there is no parameters, work also well.

    The issue is when there is a parameter .. then I wonder what happen, but it does not give back the result I'm waiting for.

    Is there any known issue or special trick with jndi and bind variables ?


  3. Hello,

    I would like to know if thereis a way to pass cascading input controls in a dashboard.

    I have a report A with cascading input controls, and it works fine.

    I have a report B, with the same input controls, except they are juste datatype (no request).

    When I put both in a dashboard, it seems the cascade does not produce anything, and the dashboard stays empty.

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