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Everything posted by mmmartins

  1. An export of reports was done in Jasper Reports 8.1.1 with the options: ⦁ Legac key ⦁ Include dependencies Afterwards, the generated file was imported into JasperReports 8.0.1 with the following options: ⦁ Legac key The error occurred: 2023-01-25T10:03:49,391 ERROR ImportRunnable,pool-9-thread-33:81 - Import failed: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.service.ImportFailedException: Import failed. Reason: jsexception.import.module.not.found at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.service.impl.ImportExportServiceImpl.startImport(ImportExportServiceImpl.java:282) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.service.impl.ImportExportServiceImpl.doImport(ImportExportServiceImpl.java:189) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.async.ImportRunnable.run(ImportRunnable.java:66) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.async.ImportExportTask$1.run(ImportExportTask.java:124) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.logging.util.LoggableExecutorService$1.run(LoggableExecutorService.java:84) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) How to proceed to solve the problem.
  2. I solved this problem by adding the user "LOCAL SERVICE" to the files: .jrsks.jrskspThese files are located in the "USers" directory of the JasperReports Server 7.8.0 installation user.
  3. 200/5000 I had the same problem when installing version 7.8.0. The previous version installed was 7.5.0. To solve the problem, I used the instructions reported by dprogrammer and the problem has been solved.
  4. My report using an MultiSelect Input Parameter: Parameter in JrXml: <parameter name="List" class="java.util.List" nestedType="java.lang.String"> </parameter> I use Rest Api for report generation. The following requests are executed. <Server>/rest_v2/resources/reports/ReportExample_files/List_files/List?overwrite=true Json: {"version":13," permissionMask":1, "creationDate":"2019-10-28T10:00:25", "updateDate":"2019-10-29T17:51:57", "label":"lov_Lists", "uri":"/reports/ReportExample_files/List_files/List", "items":[{"label":"List0","value":"DDD"},{"label":"List1","value":"AAA"},{"label":"List2","value":"BBB"},{"label":"List3","value":"CCC"}] } <Server>//rest_v2/reportExecutions Json: {"reportUnitUri": "/reports/ReportExample", "async": true, "freshData": true, "saveDataSnapshot": false, "outputFormat": "pdf", "interactive": false, "ignorePagination": false, "parameters": {"reportParameter": [{"name": "List", "value": ["DDD","AAA","BBB,"CCC"]}]} } In versions earlier than 7.20, when running the report via rest api, the List parameter values in JrXml are as follows: $P{Lista}.toArray()[0] --> "DDD" $P{Lista}.toArray()[1] --> "AAA" $P{Lista}.toArray()[2] --> "BBB" $P{Lista}.toArray()[3] --> "CCC" In version 7.2.0, the List parameter values in JrXml are as follows: $P{Lista}.toArray()[0] --> "AAA" $P{Lista}.toArray()[1] --> "BBB" $P{Lista}.toArray()[2] --> "CCC" $P{Lista}.toArray()[3] --> "DDD" I also tested the following cases: Using SERVICE jobs via Rest Api and scheduling the report, the List parameter values in JrXml are as follows: $P{Lista}.toArray()[0] --> "DDD" $P{Lista}.toArray()[1] --> "AAA" $P{Lista}.toArray()[2] --> "BBB" $P{Lista}.toArray()[3] --> "CCC" Running the report on JasperReports Server manager the List parameter values in JrXml are as follows: $P{Lista}.toArray()[0] --> "DDD" $P{Lista}.toArray()[1] --> "AAA" $P{Lista}.toArray()[2] --> "BBB" $P{Lista}.toArray()[3] --> "CCC" This different behavior between versions when running the report via Rest Api is generating information that compromises the report result. Is this a bug? Is there a way around this case?
  5. I use Rest Api for report generation, below is an example of a report using an input parameter of type List: Parameter: <parameter name="List" class="java.util.List" nestedType="java.lang.String"> </parameter> Requests Executed: <Server>/rest_v2/resources/reports/Example_files/List_files/List?overwrite=true Json: {"version":13," permissionMask":1, "creationDate":"2019-10-28T10:00:25", "updateDate":"2019-10-29T17:51:57", "label":"lov_Lists", "uri":"/reports/Example_files/List_files/List", "items":[{"label":"List0","value":"DDD"},{"label":"List1","value":"AAA"},{"label":"List2","value":"BBB"},{"label":"List3","value":"CCC"}] } <Server>//rest_v2/reportExecutions?userLocale=pt_BR Json: {"reportUnitUri": "/reports/Example", "async": true, "freshData": true, "saveDataSnapshot": false, "outputFormat": "pdf", "interactive": false, "ignorePagination": false, "parameters": {"reportParameter": [{"name": "List", "value": ["DDD","AAA","BBB,"CCC"]}]} } In versions prior to 7.2.0, when performing the above requirements, when accessing List parameter values in JasperReport, the order was as follows: [0] --> "DDD" [1] --> "AAA" [2] --> "BBB" [3] --> "CCC" In version 7.2.0, the order is as follows: [0] --> "AAA" [1] --> "BBB" [2] --> "CCC" [3] --> "DDD" What should I do to have the same behavior as versions before 7.2.0?
  6. When loading a Json Data Source with the character ã the error occurs: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Invalid UTF-8 middle byte 0x6e Here is an example of JaspeReport and Json: {"a": [ {"b": { "val": "vãl1"}}, {"b": { "val": "vãl2" }}]} <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Created with Jaspersoft Studio version 6.8.0.final using JasperReports Library version 6.8.0-2ed8dfabb690ff337a5797129f2cd92902b0c87b --> <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="Teste" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="535" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="ab27e09a-5076-4a1f-9721-c717402d3f12"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="Test_Json"/> <parameter name="jsonString" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA["{"a": [ {"b": { "val": "val3"}}, {"b": { "val": "val2" }}]}"]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <parameter name="JSON_INPUT_STREAM" class="java.io.InputStream"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream($P{jsonString}.getBytes("UTF-8"))]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> <queryString language="json"> <![CDATA[a.b]]> </queryString> <field name="value" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[val]]></fieldDescription> </field> <columnHeader> <band height="31" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement x="150" y="0" width="100" height="30" uuid="b33a123d-8987-4da4-b21b-1f9ccc50e92d"/> <text><![CDATA[value]]></text> </staticText> </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="30" splitType="Stretch"> <textField> <reportElement x="150" y="0" width="100" height="30" uuid="14c51219-5ce2-47ce-abb9-71bc11a6f28c"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{value}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> </jasperReport> With json below it works ok: {"a": [ {"b": { "val": "val1"}}, {"b": { "val": "val2" }}]} The character and others with accentuation are very common in the Portuguese language.
  7. JasperReports Server 7.1.0 documentation verifies versions 8.0.47 - 8.5.27 of Apache / Tomcat. Is it possible to use Apache / Tomcat version 9.0.9 with JasperReports 7.1.0?
  8. In the documentation of 7.1.0 there is Rest Api Login, but when using it, error 404 occurs. To get around the error, I used the "rest_v2 / users" validating the existence of the user.
  9. When you run the Service Rest-APi Login (rest / login) in JasperReports Server 7.1.0, the '404' error occurs. In previous versions this api runs ok.
  10. Is the above implementation already available in version 6.4.2 as provided in the previous answer?
  11. When I use the Resources Service to modify Datasource, it applies to all subsequent executions of the report. For example, I create a report schedule "MyReport" with datasource "Ds1" to run at 12:00. After, I create another report schedule "MyReport" with datasource "Ds2" to run at 10:00. In both cases I have used the Resources Service to modify the Datasource. When running the 12:00 schedule it will assume the last modified datasource by Resources Service, in the case "Ds2". But when I scheduled, it was to use the datasource "DS1". There is some way to get around this.
  12. There are several datasources listed on the JasperReports Server. How do I tell which datasource will be used in a report schedule using rest api?
  13. Two datasources named da1 and ds2 are created in JasperReports Sever. A report named repot1 linked to the datasource ds1 is published. How do I report on report execution via rest api that the report should use datasource ds2.
  14. Was declared a input control parameter: - Name: List - Class: java.util.List - Is For Prompting: true - Nested Type Name: java.lang.String To set the occurrences of the list was used the url "http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/path/to/report/inputControls//values/" with the json below: { "List": ["User A","User B","User C","User D","User E","User F","User G","User H"] } The result of the url was: { "uri":"/reports/ModStringList_files/List", "id":"Lista", "options":[] } Parameter values were not loaded correctly. How should the parameter be declared? How should the occurrences of the array be reported?
  15. My report has an InputControl (IsForPrompting = true). I use: Http:/ <host>:<port>/jasperserver [-pro]/rest_v2/reportExecutions I enter the parameters in Json in the parameter property. In the execution of the request, the error 400 (Bad request) occurs; If you change the InputControl (IsForPrompting = false), it works correctly. The same report can be run using the Jobs Service: Http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/jobs/ If the InputControl (IsForPrompting = false) is ignored as a parameter in this case. tT work correctly, the InputControl must be IsForPrompting = true. What is the solution for the InputControl to work in both cases?
  16. How would I go about querying JasperServer for a job that has already run? I can get the job details for a scheduled job: http://HOST:PORT/jasperserver/rest/job/{JobID}/State/ But couldn't find a way to get it for a job that has been completed. If I run that query for a completed job, I get a 404 exception.
  17. How would I go about querying JasperServer for a job that has already run? I can get the job details for a scheduled job http://HOST:PORT/jasperserver/rest/job/{JobID}/State/ But couldn't find a way to get it for a job that has been completed. If I run that query for a completed job, I get a 404 exception
  18. The parameters passed to the Jasper Report do not reach the report. My Json is: "{ "version": 0, "username": "jasperadmin", "label": "ModData", "description": "Relatório ModData", "trigger": { "simpleTrigger": { "version": 0, "timezone": null, "startType": 2, "startDate": "2016-12-23 10:13", "endDate": null, "misfireInstruction": 0, "occurrenceCount": 1, "recurrenceInterval": null, "recurrenceIntervalUnit": null } }, "source": { "reportUnitURI": "/reports/SisproERPCloud/SpMod/ModData", "async": false, "freshData": true, "saveDataSnapshot": false, "outputFormat": "pdf", "interactive": false, "ignorePagination": false, "parameters": {"parameterValues": {"TypeReport": ["User"]}} }, "baseOutputFilename": "ModData-1757587756", "outputLocale": null, "outputTimeZone": null, "repositoryDestination": { "version": 0, "folderURI": "/reports/SisproERPCloud/ScheduleOutput", "sequentialFilenames": true, "overwriteFiles": true, "outputDescription": null, "timestampPattern": "yyyyMMddHHmm", "saveToRepository": true, "usingDefaultReportOutputFolderURI": false, "defaultReportOutputFolderURI": null, "outputLocalFolder": null }, "outputFormats": { "outputFormat": ["PDF"] }}" The result of the request is: "{"id":46530,"version":0,"username":"jasperadmin","label":"ModData","description":"Relatório ModData","creationDate":"2016-12-23T10:13:42.601-02:00","trigger":{"simpleTrigger":{"id":46528,"version":0,"startType":2,"startDate":"2016-12-23 10:13","misfireInstruction":0,"occurrenceCount":1}},"source":{"reportUnitURI":"/reports/SisproERPCloud/SpMod/ModData","parameters":null},"baseOutputFilename":"ModData-1757587756","repositoryDestination":{"id":46529,"version":-1,"folderURI":"/reports/SisproERPCloud/ScheduleOutput","sequentialFilenames":true,"overwriteFiles":true,"timestampPattern":"yyyyMMddHHmm","saveToRepository":true,"usingDefaultReportOutputFolderURI":false,"outputFTPInfo":{"userName":"anonymous","type":"ftp","implicit":true,"port":21,"pbsz":0}},"outputFormats":{"outputFormat":["PDF"]}}" The parameters are null. What should be done to correct this problem.
  19. Access to Google Maps is controlled by proxy (LAN Settings). When I run the report by JasperReports Server 6.3.0 for browse, shows the map in the report. When I export the report to PDF, the error occrus: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error opening input stream from URL: http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=-29.91807,-51.17828&size=554x247&zoom=15&maptype=roadmap&format=png&scale=1&sensor=false&language=pt&key=. Apparently in exporting to PDF is not used proxy (LAN Settings). How do I set for JasperReports Server to use the proxy (LAN Settings) on export to PDF to view the map (Google Maps)?
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