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Everything posted by HWilliamRS

  1. Thank you @zh3ntil for answering, but that didn't work. Fortunately I could find why that was happening, I don't konw if it's silly or that's the way has to be done. So here it comes : The problem was that the subreports resources weren't being found. @JasperServer -> Report Set up -> Control & Resources I have to say that when you're adding subreports resources in Jasper Server you must name your resource name and your resource id exactly the same as the physical file is named... So instead of naming your resource 'subreport' you better name it 'subreport.jrxml' including the '.jrxml' extensión. After that my report it's working like a charm. Greets and thank you all for the help. Sorry for my english.
  2. Hello people, I’m having this problem, happens that I created a Report with Jasper Studio with also several sub reports. Everything is working fine when I’m in Jasper Studio, but once I try to deploy the report with the sub-reports at Jasper Server, I get this problem: Resource not found at: subreport.jrxml. I’ve seen many posts talking about this problem, but all of them are from people who used IReport to generate their reports. So if someone could help me to understand why this’s happening, I would really appreciated. Thank you!
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