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  1. Found this from 2012: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/801931/fetching-email-addresses-scheduling-report-databse-dynamically There was no answer there, and I've not found similar thread/answers, yet, searching through pages of "email+address" search results. Is there a way to setup Jaspersoft so that when scheduling reports: - as user types email address, a look ahead will automatically identify possible matches for selection - or allow user to open a lookup window where the user can filter for email addresses using first name, last name, etc. ?
  2. Ben - I'm a new Jaspersoft user. Did you ever get an answer to your question?
  3. Will keep searching site - hopefully will find a current thread on this topic. Using Jaspersoft bundled with another app. Previous reporting solution had 'type ahead' lookup feature which would populate remainder of email address as user typed it in. Also, if user didn't know email address, user could click on a browse button and was then presented with a pop-up window where the user could then filter for email addresses using first name, last name, etc. Going to Jaspersoft is actually a step backward for us, in at least this one area (there's another area, too, regarding hierarhical drilldown structures for filtering...).
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