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Everything posted by sv-gr

  1. can you give me a hint how to do this? I guess i have to manipulate the parameters and the variables via the Report Inspector at the left and the Properties at the right (ireport 5.6.0) The way you described is bringing the value1 from a parameter to a variable and then back to a parameter. This i dont know how to do, please tell me. I dont know why i need condition, because i get exactly one value1, and this value1 want use for the second query. greetz
  2. Hello, i want to create a report that works like this: 1. query against table1 using value0 (arbitrary initial value) -> 2. return value1 -> 3. query against table2 using value1 -> 4. return of value2 -> 5. display/print value2 /make pdf with value2... After bringing in the the value0 at step 1 the following should run automatically till the end at step 5. i am able to do this: 1. query against table1 using value0 (arbitrary initial value) -> 2. return value1 -> 3. display/print value1 /make pdf with value1... I am also able to create reports which contains subreports where i pass the Parameters to bring in there the value0 for example. A java application brings in that value0. i can use ireport 5.6.0 or jaspersoft studio 6.2.0. I tried to pass the generated value1 per parameter in the query but it is still NULL when i execute this. The parameter seems to be used before it is filled with the needed value1. The following is not possible because the jdbc-driver i have to use doesnt support this: - no "join" - no "union" - only one "select" per query How can i create a report which does the 5 steps above? greetz sg
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