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Everything posted by kak.mca

  1. I am very much new to Jaspersoft studio. Yesterday, I have asked this question in Stackoverflow. Fabio Fantoni has given excellent reply with a link to tutorial, but I could not get a URL where I can get Jaspersoft Studio 5.5 related all tutorials. Can anyone please suggest where can I learn Jaspersoft Studio 5.5 with proper examples. As of now, what's happening is even for small requirement also I am searching in google; but most of the google search results are related to iReports or some others but not to Jaspersoft Studio 5.5. Of course I can pick the technique and apply to Jaspersoft Studio, but most of the times I am taking long time (where my boss won't agree) or I am failing. I have downloaded one book from this location. But, I felt that those are not much helpful with NO clear explanation. Please excuse if anybody thinks these resources to give to me.
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