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Posts posted by johannes.held

  1. Hi, 

    you can use a Subreport for that. Pass the summarized value as parameter. Subreport's data query is something like 

    call orcale_function($PARAM)

    Then you either print that information directly OR you return the information via variables back the the calling report and use it there.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi,

    you can use the Grouping Feature of Jaspersoft and utilize a variable to summarize the value.
    You use the Artikelnummer as Group expression. In the group footer you insert the field Menge - Studio will show a wizard to create a variable. Put all other fields in there to - with no aggregation function. Leave Detail Band empty.

    We're a german based consulting company and have a lot of small Jaspersoft customers. If you're interested in more details, feel free to contact me.
    Gesprächsbedarf?! 🖐 Buchen Sie sich direkt einen Termin! 📅

  3. Hello,

    This should actually work as a problem. Your idea behind it is correct:

    Depending on the value of the string (yes or no) a 1 or 0 is summed up. This gives the total sum of the records with yes.

    I would simply set the Initial Expression to 1. This will be overwritten with the first record anyway.

    I would set the Expression to

    $F{arret_dom} != null && $F{arret_dom}.exqualsIgnoreCase("oui") ? 1 : 0

    Probably your comparison with == leads to a problem. This checks the equality of objects in Java. Two strings can have the same content but be different objects.

    Consider also the correct evaluation time of the text field in which you use this variable.

    Greetings, Johannes



  4. I checked “Start New Page” for my group header (and group footer). Therefore I got rid of the the page break.

    I UNchecked the “Ignore Pagination” for the report. But mind, that the page height must be tall enough to hold the content for every sheet or you get “funny” sheets in between.

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