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  1. Hi, So I am using Jasper 6.3. I have noticed when I save an Ad Hoc view as a Ad Hoc report Jasper copies the styles from the selected style template and hardcodes them within the actual Ad Hoc Report. This means if I update the Template it is using in public/templates it will not update the styles in any reports previously created and will only affect ones created since the change to the style/template which is not a great solution. Has anyone managed to get an Ad Hoc report to reference a style via the repoitory location or a URL so that it will always use the most up to date styles or will it always take a copy of the styles and hardcode them in the report xml? Cheers.
  2. Hi, I have a dashboard made up of several dashlets (based on ad hoc views) and some filters. I have set up a hyperlink on one dashlet that allows the user to click on a product and drill to another report. The hyperlink needed to pass the Product in the Dashlet that the user clicks on as well as any selections made on the filters within the dashboard, for example filter the dashboard on certain Supplier Types. I got this working using the following syntax: - repo:/reportPath?$P{"p_SupplierType=",Supplier_Type_Filter , ? "&"}&p_Product=$P{Product Field} This works fine. THE PROBLEM The issue is that if I don't select anything in my Supplier Type filter (i.e I want all Supplier Types) then I get an error telling me that Value for parameter 'Supplier_Type_Filter' is not set. Anybody had the same or similar issues and have a solution or a workaround or even just an idea? Thanks in advance.
  3. ernestoo, You said this was possible in v6.1. Please could you explain how? We want to know the syntaxt to pass the filter selections from a dashboard to a Jaspersoft Studio Report, Thanks.
  4. Hi, We are using Jasper 6.1.1 I was wondering if anyone had managed to drill from one ad hoc view to another using the Hyperlink function on the dashboards and filter the results on the target ad hoc view? So for example you click on a particular year on the source ad hoc view and then the target ad hoc view opens and the year filter is populated with the value of which you drill upon, Cheers.
  5. We are using Jasper 6.1.1. We have Ad Hoc views which are used as dashlets on a dashboard. We have set up drill through to a report built in JasperStudio using the Hyperlinks function on the Dashboard using the following syntax: repo:/[Report_Location]?target_parameter1=$P{Source_Parameter} This works fine but this only passes data items which are used in the dashlet itself. However my issue is that on the dashboard we have filters and I need to pass the results of these filters through the hyperlink too. Has anyone done this before? I have tried using ?target_parameter1=$P{Source_Parameter} and $P{parameter_name ? "separator"} for multi value filters however none of them work. Any ideas? Thanks.
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