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Everything posted by yuli06

  1. Hi, I need your help I´m trying to connect Jaspersoft (web version) to my database with a JDBC connection but I can´t install the driver I have read some post in blogs but i´m not sure in what folder i must put the jar file (jaybird-full-2.2.10.jar) Hope someone can help me
  2. First of all, thanks for your answer I don´t think tthat this is a firebird problem because I´ve use the same database in other programs using a ODBC conecction, and I dind´t have any trouble But in JasperReport server send me an error if I try to put a blank space in URL I hope you can help me
  3. hello I'm starting with Jasper report server i need to create a data source to connect with my firebird database, I have a problem because my databse name has a blnak space between two words ex. jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050/C:/database name.fdb i have tried with blank space but it returns that the url contains a invalid character, also tried change blank space with %20 nad didn´t work Can't change the name od database, could some one give me an advise thanks in advance
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