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Posts posted by kushnanak

  1. Hi All,

    If I run the report on Jasper Server with HTTP protocol, Google Map Component is getting displayed on report.

    but when I try to run the same using HTTPS, Google Map component is not getting displayed on report.

    I used the JasperSost Studio 6.1 version, JDK Version : 1.6  to develope the report.

    Can anybody explain why Google Map does not display over HTTPS. and How can i get the Google Map component on report HTTPS.

    Please anybody give me solution.


    Kush Nanak


  2. Hi All,

    I have created one report with Google Map component using Jasper Report 6.1 pro version and integrated with my application.

    but when i run the report from my application, Google Map does not load first time, Its only displaying blank google map with red marker means background image, zoom in, zoom out, direction  is showing blank .If I press the F12 key of keyboard to see the console window then some event is getting fired internally and 

    calling the some google API after that Google Map component of report is getting displayed on my application.

    Below is the Google API is getting callled when i press the F12 key of the keyboard.

    2. Request URL:
    3. Request Method:
    4. Status Code:
      204 No Content
    1. Request URL:
    2. Request Method:
    3. Status Code:
      204 No Content
    1. Request URL:
    2. Request Method:
    3. Status Code:
      204 No Content
    1. Request URL:
    2. Request Method:
    3. Status Code:
      204 No Content
    1. Request URL:
    2. Request Method:
    3. Status Code:
      200 OK (from cache)
    And on console its displaying the warning message
    So can anybody help me to fix this issue so that I can get the Google Map component loaded on first run of the report without pressing the F12 key of the keyboard.

    Thanks in Advanced...!!


    Thanks & Regards,

    Kush Nanak

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