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  1. We have a load balancer between two jasper servers, and whenever both servers are active, I am unable to publish from Jasper Studio. When I double click on the server I want to publish to, It errors out with a 401: not authorized message. When just one server is up, it connects and allows me to publish just fine. Not sure if there is a setting I am missing somewhere, or if this is a legitimate issue with running a fail-over server simultaenously. Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
  2. I'm having a problem getting connected to an SFTP server. I believe the issue comes down to, I have no way to tell it to trust the server's fingerprint, so the connection ends up timing out. I've connected to the server via WinSCP just fine, so I know the connection details are correct. Is there a way to tell the server to accept the fingerprint? Running Jasperserver 6.3.0 Build: 20160621_1840 Thanks for any insight.
  3. So here is what I have setup so far. I've left the JDBC driver drop down on the default, and then filled in the URL based on how the Simba Driver documentation laid it out. I am using the AthenaJDBC42-2.0.2.jar as well. I've included a link to a document I created showing both the URL setup and the driver classpath, just in case there is something obvious I'm missing. For the URL, I filled it in with the appropriate UID and secretKey, and still no luck Data Wizard Athena setup
  4. I was hoping someone has successfully been able to connect Studio to AWS Athena. I've downloaded the relevant driver from AWS for it. Based on this link (https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-add-custom-jdbc-driver-jaspersoft-studio ), I ignored the dropdown, and added my jar file to the driver classpath using the data adapter wizard. I still receive an error when testing the connection that 'No suitable driver was found' I'm using Jaspersoft Studio v.6.3.0 final Any insight in to getting this working is greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi avarkey, I ran into the exact same problem this morning. What got it working in my case was changing which filter I had dragged into the pane. For example, I have two dashlets with a similar filtered column. When I was using a filter from the second dashlet, it was producing the error you describe. I deleted that filter, and dragged the filter from the first dashlet over, and then it allowed me to map it to both dashlets. I hope that helps if you have not already sorted the problem out!
  6. Hi Hozawa, thanks for that tip. I had suspected that was a part of the problem. It looks like the solution that got it working was the last response on this thread https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/531981/changing-csv-record-delimiter Something about changing the order seems to have gotten it resolved.
  7. I'm using Jasper Profesional for AWS, version 6.3 The problem I'm having is with a CSV and the new line feed character. When I run the report from the server, it seems to perform as expected. When I schedule the report, and give it the run now option, it even seems to work ok. The trouble is, when I automate the run, according to the user receiving the file, the nr are missing and all the data is showing up on one line. Does anyone know of what might cause this to happen? I've added this tag to the source, and added nr to the CSV exporter options, but still no luck. ..<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.record.delimiter" value="&#xD;&#xA;"/>..[/code]We did have a problem where the email server was converting the line feed characters, but this particular file is going through FTP, so shouldn't be subject to that. Thank you for any help you can provide. Thanks, Drew
  8. I have a report set to export to excel in multiple tabs. It works ok when I preview in studio and export that. The problem is when it is published to the server and exported, all the data ends up on one tab. My version of Jasper studio(professional): 5.6.1 Server version : 5.5.0 Report information: Three subreports, each in their own grouping. First two have a page break inserted after them (but in the same group) Pagination set to ignore on master and sub reports Properties set on master report: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet = true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row = true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row = true I also have the properties set to assign names to the three corresponding subreports. After doing some digging on the forum, I checked the export hints override and made sure it was false. Incase there is another property on the server similar to it, here is the one I was checking: net.sf.jasperreports.export.parameters.override.report.hints=false If I need to include any more information please let me know. Am I missing something obvious? I did have to play with the ordering of the Master report properties to get it to behave the way I wanted it to. I'm wondering if the server is configured correctly and I'm just losing something in the translation from studio to server. Thank you for any help and/or advice.
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