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Everything posted by jlagarza

  1. Using HTML5 line chart for jasper 5.6 PRO (I know the easiest answer would be to upgrade to the latest, but thats not an options) is there any way to have the url know about both the series and category in order to build a URL to pass both as a parameter. Data Axes: Categories = Years; Series = Slices; Measures = Revenue I have the javascript below in series properties and named it URL "javascript:" + "var ifRegionDetails = window.parent.document.getElementById('contentFrame_frame_12');" <~~~~~ This is the drill down in the dashboard + "ifRegionDetails.src = '/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&viewAsDashboardFrame=true&dashboardViewer=true&reportUnit=/Custom_Reports/Dashboard/ByRegionDetail&fid=contentFrame_frame_12" + ($P{REGION}.equals(null)?"":("&REGION=" + $P{REGION})) + "&Years=" + $F{YR}.toString() + "&Slices=" + $F{SLICES} + "';" + "void(0);" The problem that I am facing is when I try to click on a point on the line the drill down knows about the series but does not know about the category.
  2. I have a pie chart that each slice opens a drill down. That part is working fine, my issue is that i want the drill down to open in the same frame as the pie chart instead what it is doing is that it opening a new page. The issue is that does pie charts are going into a dash board with a bunch of other charts and tables and going into a different page defeats the purpose of getting all the information at the same time.
  3. Im trying to get a check box that if checked will only show activitiy codes that are not null, if not checked then I would like it to show every row. This is what I have: WHERE comp_code = $P{enter_company} and $X{IN,p_proj, Select_Project_Multi} I would like to add something to this sort: and (case when $P{Linked_Only} = 'True' then ACTIVITY_CODE is not null else when $P{Linked_Only} = 'False' then ACTIVITY_CODE end)
  4. @hozawa The Parameter is called Linked _Only when i try to use the code it tells me missing keyword.
  5. What I want to accomplish is to have an input control most likely a boolean that says if (input control) is true then do this if not do nothing and the where clause is the following: WHERE comp_code = $P{enter_company} and $X{IN,p_proj, Select_Project_Multi} and (case when $P{Linked_Only} = 'True' then ACTIVITY_CODE is not null else when $P{Linked_Only} = 'False' then ACTIVITY_CODE end) I dont know if any of the case is correct.
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