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Everything posted by archanwizardsqueen

  1. Earlier was <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"> it got changed to <textFieldExpression> And also added uuid to each reportElement but that not the issue I guess but I want to have retain my class attribute in textFieldExpression. I'm using Jasper Report 5.5 and iReport versions I tried are 4.7 and 5.6. It was correctly working in iReport 4.0.1 but that version of iReport was not supporting patternExpression attibute to textField which we need for date formatting . So we upgraded iReport but now facing this issue of class attribute being removed from textFieldExpression. Because of which formatting done for text fields having numeric field or date field is changed to simple string which shows error in excel and it might fail macros written on that exel by our clients.
  2. How can I get access to output_format column of JIReportJobOutputFormat using jasper api's? I tried using below 3 options but I'm getting value as null always. JRValueParameter outputFormat = (JRValueParameter) getValueParameter("outputFormat", true);[/code]JRValueParameter outputFormats = (JRValueParameter) getValueParameter("outputFormats", true);[/code]JRValueParameter output = (JRValueParameter) getValueParameter("output", true);[/code]My requiment is to change already saved schedule report's o/p to XLSX which was XLS till now because now we want to o/p excel as XLSX instead of XLS and also want to support XLS for people who are still interested in XLS
  3. I found the answer from jaspersoft support:- we can use patternExpression but it's not available in lower versions of iReport IDE so you need to compile and deploy jasper externally. <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"><![CDATA[$P{d8}]]></textFieldExpression><patternExpression><![CDATA[$P{userDateFormat}]]></patternExpression>
  4. I want to show date in text field in jasper report. I've kept expression class of that text field as "java.util.Date" because while exporting that date in excel I want to retain "format cells-category as Date or Custom type" instead of General. So that user can change date format if he wants. I don't want to use "java.text.DateFormat" because of the same above given reason. But I want to pass my date format as parameter to report and use that in report. like pattern = "$P{myDateFormat}" myDateFormat can be anything dd-MMM-yyy, dd/MM/yy or just anything given in java But problem is, pattern property of textField does not take expression. I saw one bug closed for jasper which had same requirement see link. But don't know why it's not working. http://community.jaspersoft.com/ireport-designer/issues/932 http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/4905 Also read of patternExpression but it's not present in ireport. Kindly tell me how to pass dynamic value to pattern.
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