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  1. Any insight on this? I have the same query. Domain does not show the list of Stored Procedures in the Database. How does one use MS SQL stored procedures in Domains ?
  2. With the data as below Trying to create a Multi Axis series chart. This works perfect as needed on JasperServer as below. But the X axis grouping does not work in Studio.See below. For studio chart, I have added BMI and Exercise in Categories and Value1 and Value2 in Measures. Am I missing something? Or is this a limitation in Studio that it cannot group the values like in Server?
  3. Hozawa, I aprreciate your response for this wayward query. I had a faint idea that it would not be possible as I did not find any selection elements like the checkbox and buttons in the Palette. But when I found out a way to turn a textfield into button, I hoped there would be a way into integrate checkboxes within the table element as well. Nevertheless, thanks again.
  4. Situation is: Application displays an embedded Jasper table report. The table must have checkbox coloumn to select records in a table. And on click on a button send the selected records (or ids) to the application to process those records further.I would like to understand how this can be acheived; if this is possible. Many thanks.
  5. I have a Domain with a Derived Table (SQL Join Query) in which alogwith other measures, "Departments" is a one of the Dimensions. I want to deny access (hide) to "Departments" for Role ROLE_DASHBOARD1. Following is the entry in Domain security xml file under <itemGroupAccessGrants> node of Column Level Grants <itemGroupAccessGrantList defaultAccess="denied" id="restrict_QueryAverageScores_Department_grant" itemGroupId="Department" label="aLabel"> <itemGroupAccessGrants> <itemGroupAccessGrant access="granted" id="QueryAverageScores_Department_grant"> <principalExpression>authentication.getPrincipal().getRoles().any{ it.getRoleName() in ['ROLE_DASHBOARD1'] }</principalExpression> <itemAccessGrantList defaultAccess="denied" id="QueryAverageScores_Department_grant_items"> <itemAccessGrants> <itemAccessGrant id="QueryAverageScores_Department_grant1" access="denied" itemId="Department" /> </itemAccessGrants> </itemAccessGrantList> </itemGroupAccessGrant> </itemGroupAccessGrants> </itemGroupAccessGrantList> There is no error but the column is still visible in the Ad-hoc View or Report. Is this the right way to address the requirement?
  6. Yes, along with the same lines , I tried to make it work by reading the Logged In User's role. Tried the following line. "Last printed by " + $P{LoggedInUserFullName} + " on " + new java.util.Date() + "n LoggedInUserRoles include: " + $P{LoggedInUserRoles}.toString() If I am able to read the User's Role, your approach will work perfectly for my problem.I am able to get the User's name but I get a null value in the LoggedInUserRoles output.
  7. Update: I am able to restrict the users from accessing the Reports by using applying Permissions to the Roles and Users. But instead of showing a "You don't have permission to view this visualization." message, I want to hide the entire Report Frame and allow the space to be taken up by the other reports.
  8. Have dashboard that contains Reports 1, 2 and 3. Report 1 is accessible to User 1 and User 2 Report 2 is exclusively accessible to User 1 Report 3 is exclusively accessible to User 2. Based on the access level, I want to display only the relevant Reports in the Dashboard on user's login. Eg. User 1 should see only Report 1 and Report 2 not 3 How do i acheive this? Is it possible?
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