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  1. hi.. can you please explain how you solved the issue?? I am also getting the same issue, rendering only the first page, please help me .
  2. Hi all Iam using Visualize.js to render jasper reports. Am not uing any pagination. I want to display all the pages. But now the report is only showing one page. How do i display all the pages??? Thanks in advance
  3. @ernestoo i have another doubt. If we give server details and authenrtication information in js anyone can read it and access the server . So is there any way to prevent this rather than using SSO tocken
  4. Its working... i forgot to give parameters as array thats why its not showing charts. Anyways thank you for your feed back
  5. Hi am using Visualize.js to render jasper reports, am getting report with images but its not showing the charts. Given below is my code visualize({server:"http://************/reportservice",auth:{name:"*****",password:"****"}},function(v){var report=v.report({server:"http://***********/reportservice",resource:"/organizations/Organization*******Projectboard3",container:"#container",});report.params({"projectKey_2":"5001082",})report.run();},function(err){alert(err.message);}); Do i need to include any js other than Visualize.js to render the charts. Please help me. Thanks in Advance
  6. Thank you very much that workde fine for loading images.. but still the chart is not showing.. Below given is my code visualize({server:"http://************/reportservice",auth:{name:"*****",password:"****"}},function(v){var report=v.report({server:"http://***********/reportservice",resource:"/organizations/Organization*******Projectboard3",container:"#container",});report.params({"projectKey_2":"5001082",})report.run();},function(err){alert(err.message);});
  7. Hi am trying to execute jasper report using rest service by java client. However am getting the report but its missing the images and charts. The image src is coming as some attachment, when am trying to open that src link its shows no respurce found. And in the case of Charts i found that the js file is missing, So i added baseUrl as parameter, now the js is loading and the scripts drawing the chart but its not getting displayed. Please help me Given below is the script to show the chart. But its not showing chart. GIven below is the image src which comes as an attachment. Please help me how to resolve this issue using java. Thanks in Advance
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