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Everything posted by starkanimozhi

  1. Hi All, Can you please help me how to set maximum date range for date type input control based on another input control value which is query based input control. This query based input control has value as date in MM/yyyy format. I want to set maximum date range as Last day of selected MM/yyyy. OR how to set regular expression to enter only date in dd/mm/yy format and also I want to show info like "Enter date in dd/mm/yy" below that input control How to do this. Thanks, Kanimozhi.
  2. Hi All, Can you please help me how to set maximum date range for date type input control based on another input control value which is query based input control. This query based input control has value as date in MM/yyyy format. I want to set maximum date range as Last day of selected MM/yyyy. How to do this. Thanks in Advance Kanimozhi
  3. Hi Lucian, Yes, I got it . Thank you so much for your help. I am really very happy. hats off to you. Kanimozhi.
  4. Hi Lucian, It won't work.It showing error like can not be resolved to a type. I tried this in Textbox expression editor. KaniMozhi.
  5. Hi Hozawa, I need one clarification, when we export report from jasperserver, export.xml having version value some integer value inside the tag.so here I want know how to display this value (version value) into jrxml in jaspersoft. can we done this by using any default parameter. because i want to display jrxml version in reportUnit
  6. Hi All , Can you please help me how to do versioning on jrxml. Actually when exporting report from jasperserver i got version value <local Resource> tag .I want to show that value in Jrxml . How to do this. Please help me on this . Regards,Kanimozhi.
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