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Everything posted by sudeep.duvvuru

  1. I faced similar error in reading Oracle DB Query where im using :PARAMETER_NAME oracle syntax instead of $P{PARAMETER_NAME} in my SQL that I have written
  2. Use a table component to hide entire column using print when expression. write a variable to evaluate presence of data in Country field and use it in print when expression of Country Column in Table.
  3. If height of your data fields is fixed i.e if your address does not fill to next line forever, simple solution is to append a dummy data query to your existing query using union all for number of extra balnk lines that fits your page.
  4. Create an input control with same parameter id in Server and Choose that through report properties.
  5. Faced Same Problem, Restarting Studio resolved everything. **Wasted hours before doing this.
  6. I've Faced the same error! I've got this error because there were some errors in DataSource. Please check your datasource connection by clicking on TEST CONNECTON Button
  7. I came acoss this problem and the mistake I have done is i've placed a space before parameter name, report was working fine in Jaspersoft Studio but it was displaying empty when it is deployed to JasperServer. CHECK WEATHER THERE ARE ANY TYPOS LIKE SPACES IN WHEN PROVIDING IDENTIFIER NAMES FOR YOUR PARAMETERS.
  8. I am very new to jasper can you please guide me how to do that.. Where do I need to tweak that Exactly.
  9. Thanks for your Quick Response Hozawa. Hyperlink functionality is working fine.Whenever i place my cursor on to the cconfigured text field my mouse cursor is turning into hand symbol and I was able to drill down to the Next report. MY PROBLEM here is Eventhough hyperlink functional is working The text field is still displaying as normal text instead of Hyperlink. (Blue Color Interactive Text.). --This is the way I have done configurations to the TextField. This is how I have configured the parameters.
  10. I have enabled hyperlink and was able to drill down to other report as well. But The text field seems to a normal text field where mouse cursor changes to hand when hovered onto it. I need a general hyperlink format like this. I am using jaspersoft studio community/Server v.6.2
  11. This may be late reply But useful to Some one Who Searches In the Group Expression Use Field1 + Field2 + ...... + Field(n).... Depending upon the number of fields you want to apply group on.
  12. I have created a new role ROLE_TESTER and provided access to some folders for this new role but whenever a user belonging to this role tries to access the folders im getting the below error message. You do not have permission to view this page. Please contact your system administrator or log in as a user with permission.
  13. Simply take a rectangle in detail band,Send Rectangle to backside of fields. set its print when expression as $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2==0. I've tried it in chrome and it works well for me.
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