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Everything posted by daniel.mohorovic

  1. moving everything from summary to a new detail 2 band makes it better... but it doesn't sound right... does that make sense to you?
  2. hi lucianc, here are all ther jrxmls to build the report: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49472099/jrxmls.zip you can run them with One Empty Record datasource and you'll see the following: page 1 http://community-static.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/22-03-2016%2008-56-31.png page 2 /sites/default/files/images/22-03-2016%2008-56-41(1).png
  3. here are all ther jrxmls to build the report: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49472099/jrxmls.zip you can run with One Empty Record datasource and you'll see the following: page 1 page 2
  4. just to be complete... here's how it looks like when the subreports are returning something!
  5. KKriplani, lucianc, seems it's not the subreports... following KKriplani's suggesion i've tried ot use the REPORT_COUNT to do it and i've found out the following. exists_clause and exists_discount_surcharge are the main report variables coming from the subreport's REPORT_COUNTs. i've placed them in order to debug: previewing it, the first page is taking a lot of space after the detail: but i see it's not due to the subreports... they're not printed when REPORT_COUNT is equal to 0. everything after detail goes to the second page: any idea why there's so much space after detail?
  6. hi KKriplani... thanks for your suggestion! i've already tried but i wasn't able to get it working! if you suggest is the right way to do that, i'll re-try... will let you know!
  7. hi lucianc! thanks for your answer... i'm using 6.2.0. what do you mean by "A (self contained) test case"?
  8. hi guys, i've two subreports printing in the summary of the main report. when there's no data in the subreports i'd like them be collapsed. in order to do that i've set When No Data Type to No Pages in the subreports and i've set Remove Line When Blank to true to both subreports in the main report. unfortunately it's not working. the subreports are taking all the space even if they're empty. i've tried to delete the subreports to see if they're the cause and that's it. awaiting your help!
  9. hi everyone! newbie here! when pressing read fields using plsql as language the fields in the below section son't get updated. working with sql is fine. here's the data adapter setup... which is working fine! thanks!
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