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Everything posted by psundaravaradhan

  1. So are you saying the best way to get the top X rows is to alter the SQL query ?
  2. I seem to have found a way to achieve this effect. <filterExpression> <![CDATA[$V{REPORT_COUNT}<=$P{rowlimit}]]> </filterExpression>[/code]$P{rowlimit} is the user defined parameter that can prompt. But not sure of the sideeffects, as in don't know if it actually fetches the top rows of select.
  3. Am trying to limit the total rows to be printed in a report as a user defined function. select top $P{rowlimit} is something I can do in mssql. But this report could take any orcle datasource also. So is there a way to do this jasper level ? I read about report_max_count. But am not able to assign a value to this parameter. Can you please suggest a way to achieve this in jrxml? I can't use report scriptlet or java code.
  4. $P{param2}==("A") ? "1 <> 1" :"1=1"[/code]It works actually. The mistake I made was, used '==' to compare strings in expression editor instead of '.equals()' . But i was trying too many things at the same time, hence got confused. When i looked into the source code i found I was actually doing but imagined it was .equals(). Many a thanks for you help !
  5. In my case, param2 has a non-null value, as am giving a default value in <defaultValueExpression> tag of param2. Order is correct. If order is incorrect, i will get compiletime. But am not getting compileerror. Following happens: case 1: If I had declared the default value of param2 as 'A', then the first part of condition is true, thus "1<>1" is evaluated, answer is false. so report is empty. This is fine. case 2: And if I set param2 default value as 'B' then else part "1=1" is evaluated and all data is fetched. This is also correct. But what am not able to do is : override the default value of param2 at report execution time and force param1 to pickup the current(non-default) value of param2 before evaluating the conditions. Also, not sure what you mean by using different dataset. Am directly querying a database using a jdbc connection. I can't create a dataset. I can't see the need to do that either.
  6. I actually tried the query with exclamation mark as you suggest. Corrected the typo in question. This approach evaluates to default value of param2. And also the order of declaration of parameters is: param2 followed by param1. So, value in param2 should be available to param1 for evaluation when it requires.
  7. Hi, We are using jaspersoft studio to create a report and i am stuck at query part.logically the kind of query i want is : select * from mytable where IF (condition1) raw_sql_part_1 ELSE raw_sql_part_2[/code]So now to achive this in "Query editor dialog" i wrote select * from mytable where $P!{param1}[/code] and add "param1" default value in Expression editor as: $P{param2}.equals("A") ? "1 <> 1" :"1=1" , is 'For prompting' as false[/code] Also added "param2" in parameter list with 'is for prompting' as trueI expect this:When i hit preview it will prompt me for param2 value and then based on param2 resolve the condition in param1 and then finally substitute that in the actual query.The default value of the param2 is empty string. What actually happens:when i hit preview it ask me for the value of param2 which is expected,but value of param2 is not used to resolve condition defined in param1 as param1 condition always resolved to else part i.e "1==1" and the main query also became select * from mytable where 1==1[/code]Q1: Am i expecting wrong ?Q2: Why is param2 is not used to resolve condition defined in param1
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