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Everything posted by jim.lemaire

  1. Thank you Hozawa but the problem wasn't that .fileTableLock, I'm in a big company and software installed in c:/programfiles cannot access the JDK so I had to reinstall it in a specific location and now it works like a charm :-) Have a good day, Jim
  2. Hi, I have an issue, I just installed JasperSoft Studio 6.5.1 on my pc and I have an error when I try to launch the tool. see the logs: My config : JDK1.7, Windows Vista, JAVA_HOME and PATH are set. Can you help me please ? Thanks in advance ! Jim Lemaire
  3. I did it that way at first but only to realize that some of my reports may contain more than 1 page, then you only know that once it's compiled so it "falsify" the counter
  4. Hi, I'm currently trying to add a text element programatically in a JRPrintPage object. I've a working full report which is build by concatenating multiple reports, I've had to do this in order to mix portrait and landscape report. My problem is that I have to insert page number inside the pageFooter of those page after filling these reports. I have the total number of page and also the number of the current page. JasperReports version : 6.2.0 I've tried the following without any success : private void drawPageNumbers(List<JasperPrint> listJasperPrint, int totalPages) throws JRException { int pageCount = 0; int posY = 0; int posX = 0; for (JasperPrint jasperPrint : listJasperPrint) { if (jasperPrint.getOrientationValue() == OrientationEnum.PORTRAIT) { posY = 9; posX = 273; } //ToDo /*if (jasperPrint.getOrientationValue() == OrientationEnum.LANDSCAPE) { posY = 558; posX = 717; }*/ for (JRPrintPage jrPrintPage : jasperPrint.getPages()) { pageCount++; //get Footer JRPrintElement jrPrintElement = jrPrintPage.getElements().get(jrPrintPage.getElements().size()-1); //JRPrintText textPageNumber = new JRTemplatePrintText(new JRTemplateText(originFooter, jasperPrint.getDefaultStyleProvider())); JRBasePrintText textPageNumber = new JRBasePrintText(jasperPrint.getDefaultStyleProvider()); textPageNumber.setX(posX); textPageNumber.setY(posY); textPageNumber.setWidth(54); textPageNumber.setHeight(12); textPageNumber.setText(pageCount + " / " + totalPages); jrPrintElement.addElement(textPageNumber); } }[/code]The jrxml structure of the PageFooter is the following: <pageFooter> <band> <frame> <!-- various text element --> </frame> </band></pageFooter>[/code]Hope someone can help me, if you need more informations, don't hesitate to ask them ! Thanks in advance, Jim
  5. Hello, I'm currently developping a J2EE webapp which generates pdf reports but there is a problem in the report and I can't figure out a way to fix it. I don't know the length of the content that I've to print in the report so when it exceeds the page height, the page comes out blank. Is there a way or a parameter that is used to go to the next page when it exceeds page height? FYI, the code has been done by other devs 2-3 years ago, the jrxml is created on the fly and I can't afford to refactor it in a cleaner way... Also, the content isn't always generic, there is no pattern that can be extracted from it. I don't know if what I ask is possible, but if it is I would be grateful if someone have the answer ! Have a nice day ! EDIT : I don't know if it might help, but I pasted the jrxml on the jasperstudio and there is the type of problem that I encounter.
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