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Everything posted by msuryadevara

  1. Try using jasper studio 6.0.1. I too faced lots of issues (either data adapters with MySql would not work or Jasper Server plugins would't work) with studio lower version 5.5.0 as well as latest version 6.2, though i tried out with windows version. If you are using linux verion it is totally a different story!
  2. Jasper OLAP gives global summary of a Dimension for All Members and Global summaries for Level members. Summary of members are not reflecting the filtered children. In the search someone mentioned to use sql view in the cube schema. How do we do it? Dynamic summary values are very important to my sponsor and after spending hours to searching for solution I am posting this question. Hope Jaspersoft should provide some documentation for this! BTW, I have level members refering children from different levels. I am using averages of calculated measures.
  3. JRS Version 5.5.0. Don't know how to pull diagnostic report. Will figure out and update with details for further help. Thank you very much!
  4. Can someone help me why schema files are not visible under Analysis Schemas folder under Organization --->Analysis Components. The uploded schemas are available for pull-up in Analysis Connection but why the nullpointerexception occurs when I try to see them under Analysis Schemas. I checked the path is right. Please find attached the error message.
  5. Jasper reports server (5.5.0) sits forever with busy message when we try to expand an attribute dimension in a OLAP view (without hiding non empty rows). If NON EMPTY is used attribute dimension values can be expanded. Is there anyway we can expand the attribute dimension values without hiding empty rows? Some business users click to expand this dimension (by mistake) without hiding the empty rows then the server runs indefinitely by consuming all the resources. Is there any solution to this issue?
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