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Everything posted by M4SC

  1. Hi, me again. How do you execute it? What exactly do you create? So did you include a minimal jar with that code though, which performs as data adapter? Do i understand that correct?
  2. I might understand what you did. I have a JRDataSource with Provider and import the whole built jar then to my project via a data adapter. That produces the known ClassCastExecption, idk why though. I will try to access my DataSource with a minimal Connector written in the Studio or try out some stuff these days. I think i will respond again if i have representative results from that :) Thx a lot for your quick answer, it's a step toward the solution, in the end maybe the only one out there i found.
  3. Hi Pawel, did you find a solution yet? I'm ahving exactly the same problem with Jaspersoft Studio, while iReport is accepting it most of the time. Pls contact me or post an answer here if you solved it! Thx a lot :)
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