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Everything posted by gururagavan2008

  1. Visualize.js will help you. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/visualizejs-getting-started
  2. See the exception thrown: "Cannot format given Object as a Number" Looks like $V{solde} cannot be treated as number. See if there is any text entries for $V{solde}.
  3. Exactly, My problem is that I do not see that prompt. And my reports don't get auto-published either.
  4. I am able to deploy/publish the reports manually without any trouble. But I would like them to be auto-deployed on saving, just like the previous versions of JS Studio.
  5. Auto deploy on saving a report not working in Jaspersoft Studio 6.3. Is there a setting to configure this?
  6. I tried setting this in my JRXML: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.data.cache.persistable" value="false"/> But, it doesn't disable data snapshot for that report.
  7. Try this: 1) Right-click and edit the Jasper Reports connection. 2) Expand the Advanced Settings 3) Enable "Use SOAP protocol only" 4) Perform a test connection and see if it works! If this works, this is a known issue: SaaS Systems are configured to allow only SOAP Protocol.
  8. You should make use of "$P!" Parameters in Jasper. Your SQL query should be like: Select col1, col2 from table where myownfilters and $P!{newParam} Then in your jasper report, add this parameter newParam and set the default value as: $P{yourInputControl} == "Invoice Address" ? "SalesLedger.Customer.Address.AddAddressNumber" < 101 : "SalesLedger.Customer.Address.AddAddressNumber" > 100 Hope this helps!
  9. Do you want to change the date format appearing in repository? If so, you need to make modifications as shown below in jasperserver_config.properties present in WEB-INFbundles: #Date and time formats which are used in repository and in View -> Messagesrepository.date.format=d/M/yyyy
  10. Can you throw more light on how you are using zoom to fix this issue? Are you automating the zoom-in/out based on the window size?
  11. Here is a way you can try solving this: try creating a same folder branch in both the servers. Then export and do a compare between the exports to see the difference. Replicate the difference in your export (that you are trying to import into serverB) from serverA and then do an import onto serverB. Unfortunately, I am unable to tell you the difference because I don't have both the versions.
  12. In addition to the previous answer, 4. Add the input control you created to your report. :)
  13. Please let us know as to how do you reorder input controls from JSS 6.0?
  14. I just replaced the " with ' AND prs.last_name LIKE '%'+$P{AnalystLastName}+'%' this worked for me. I too got the Missing EOF at '+' in my query window. But just ignore that and run your report. It works. P.S: Also - you dont need double quotes for renaming your column. You can use: rec.c_case_number as [Case Number],
  15. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/config-stored-procedures-jasperreports-server-55 Follow this!
  16. Try something like this: $P{param1}.equals("VERY LESS") ? ("ApplicationID < 10 & ApplicationCount < 5") : ($P{param1}.equals("MODERATE") ? ("[ApplicationID] < 100 & ApplicationCount < 5") : ("[ApplicationID] < 1000 & ApplicationCount < 5")) and append this to your SQL. Here param1 will be your status parameter.
  17. Try changing two properties of jasperserver_config.properties shown below present in WEB-INF/bundles: date.format=yyyy-MM-ddcalendar.date.format=yy-mm-dd Keep in mind that this is a server level change, and you need to make this change only if you need this change to all the dates you have as parameters in all the reports.If you need a change for only one report - i would suggest you to create a new locale and make these changes only to that particular locale. That way, if you are embedding this report in your application, you can call this report with an additional parameter to supply this locale.
  18. You need to write a scriptlet to convert list to string and then handle this string in your DB side to achieve multi-select in a stored procedure.
  19. @CRCarl I did the same. But, I get errors while using dashboards. Did you have any workaround?
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