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Everything posted by sjbradshaw

  1. I used the code to disable the cancel button on my dashboard and it worked great for me. Thank you for the tip.
  2. A fresh start today, I realised all the javascript is optimised. A bit mroe Googling and found this https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v561/customizing-javascript-files Turned this off in /js.config.properties and now it works.
  3. I am trying to add reports to the main View menu and spent over a day now reading and re-reading the manual and trying things to get it working but without success. Items have been adde to the menu OK by editing actionmodel-navigation.xml. eg. <option labelKey="menu.r1" action="primarynavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="actionarg"/> The problem is in getting this to do anything useful. If I make "actionarg" the same as an existing navigationpath such as "search" it works fine but I have added my own navigation paths, even tried just replicating the the search function but can not get it to work. In the browser console I get 'Uncaught TypeError : Cannot read property 'params' of undefined at Object.setNewLocation. It's as if my changes in actionModel.primaryNavigation.js are being ignored. (I'm clearing all browsing data each time I edit it too.) Any ideas what I could be doing wrong here?
  4. My mistake. Parameters being visible in the outline control on the left doesn;t mean they are being set. Right click and view data source and there's a maping in there. Once set it works as expected.
  5. I have several datasets in my report all if which refer to the same parameters : UserName, reportstartdate, mpcodes. (A text field, date and a list) I added a new dataset today, cutting and pasting the same parameters, eg. UserName which has ${UserName} as Default Value Expression, exactly the same as all the existng datasets. However, this dataset was not returning any results. So created another one as a test which simply did select $P{reportstartdate} as f1, $P{UserName} as f2 Then added a table for this data set and just get a table with 'null' and 'null'. So it appears the original datasets have the parameters passing through (including a new one I created yesterday) but today all new datasets have parameters coming throough as null. I've spent hours now trying different things to work out what's happening to no avail. There's no difference in the way these parameters are defined. Anyone seen anything like this before? Any ideas? Thanks
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