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Everything posted by antoniyski

  1. At the moment my report prints like I want it like this On more detail, number of columns is not a constant so I can't use columnCount="numberOfColumns", printOrder="Horizontal" Can someone give an advice for this.
  2. Well I'm looking for the same thing, did you figure it out how it's done ?
  3. I'm trying to iterate trough List<Object[]> passed to jasper report, but I only can get to each array, but fail to get each Object of the array. This display my List - [Ljava.lang.Object;@173cf26, [Ljava.lang.Object;@24fde0, [Ljava.lang.Object;@9796d8, [Ljava.lang.Object;@304c8b, How can I get arrays properties [Ljava.lang.Object;@f165e1]
  4. It works if pass the collection as parameter, but now I try to figure it out how to iterate through it and get its fields.
  5. Useing hibernate, writing HQL query, applying list() method on query - query.list() return an array of Object. If I test the result to the console with the following code: it will print N number of Objects and each Object N number of contents. (for example it will print 3 Objects and theirs 20 properties, or 7 Objects and theirs 51 properties....depends on conditions changeing the query). I want to pass what query.list() will return to a report. My question is how to pass it, how to display each Object and it's variable properties in the report.
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