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Everything posted by jasonhurd

  1. The query is fairly basic in which I though I was detailed enough, but none-the-less, the query is SELECT DISTINCT <column> FROM <table>. As I said in the main post, even if I drop the distinct, it still only produces one result. The column is a data type char(8), has hundreds of rows with four distinct fields currently. Thanks!
  2. Hello I am new to JaspserSoft. I'm trying to create a multi-select query via the server but it is only producing one result. I am using SELECT DISTINCT but even if I drop the distinct it only produces one result. I'm pulling my hair out trying to sort this out. I have tried different class types in the designer but I don't think that actually has any effect. I don't even know how to select a Multi-select Query in the studio. It's a bit silly that there is no documentation on setting any of this sort of thing up. I'm actually finding it not as user friendly as SSRS which is a bit sad. I am basically testing Jaspersoft server out as it has a much more pleasent interface. With that said though, I am giving it my best effort as I really would like this software to work for our business. Any help would be much appreciated. Jason
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