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  1. Hi, my dashlet contain a simple jrxml report. My goal is to make a single report via the parameter works for all devices without having to duplicate the report. I found a solution by placing a web page that contains fixed parameter in the URL, it is right? (e.g. http://localhost:8080/....?machineID=1) Thanks again!!
  2. Hi all, I made a report with data from some devices that send realtime data on a database. This report displays the data for a single machine and contains a parameter that corresponds to the identifier of the machine. I would like to place n-times this report within a dashboard with a fixed mapping of parameters for each identifier (e.g. machineOne for first report, machineTwo for second report, etc..). How can I achieve this? I have also verified that the definition of filters to a dashboard gives me the opportunity to "create a new filter". Can I use this function? There are examples of this? Thanks!
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