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  1. So I solved my own problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30519192/visualize-js-authentication-error-after-second-login
  2. Hi i've been reviewing the visualizejs and still haven't found a way that I can figure out if a user is already authenticated in visualizejs. myConfig = { auth: { name: "joeuser", password: "joeuser" } };visualize.config(myConfig);[/code]Here is my code for logging-in in visualizejs. What I want to know if visualizejs has a method that allows us to know if we are already logged-in to the specific account we have. I want to put a condition there where if I am still authenticated, I dont have to login again yet.
  3. I have a website—utilizing Visualize.js—that has a simple login/logout feature. Everytime I login I call the authenticateUser() and logout destroySession() method. When I try login and then logout and then login again, when I try to render my existing reports I get this thrown error: HTTP Status 401 - Full authentication is required to access this resource[/code] The functions authenicateUser() and destroySession() are shown below: function authenticateUser () { var myConfig = { auth : { name : "superuser", password : "superuser" } }; visualize.config( myConfig );}function destroySession() { visualize( function ( v ) { // Logout form JRS and finish the session. v.logout().done( function () { } ); } )}[/code] I would like to point out that when I first login my account this error is not thrown and renders the reports perfectly. Why is this happening after logout and then login again?
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